Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Good Things on a Cold Day

I didn't think this day would turn out cold. Literally. I haven't seen the sun since yesterday. The clouds obstructed any form of sunshine to penetrate to the ground. It's a good thing. I'm not sweating like a pig (exaggerated there a little bit, pigs don't sweat, they wallow in mud) like I used to whenever the sun and the moisture come out to play.

I officially fucked up one very important errand I needed to do today. I just completely forgot about it until a text came and asked me how the errand was going. Then a call came in and I could not stand to answer it without any valid explanation for what was going on. So I left it ringing until it died. God, I'm so dead.

My visa just came in today. I am now officially waiting for the day to come. Everything has been settled by the book. Now I'm just a bunch of giggly waiting. Plus, my moolah came in today, too. How awesome is that? It was way beyond the amount that I expected. Another very good thing. :)


Eternal Wanderer... said...

i'm curious.

are your classes conducted in japanese or english?

Si Chong said...

im choosing english-taught classes coz my japanese isn't sufficient yet. maybe i'll take some in japanese on my third term. :)

Kiks said...

Happy to see that the comment section has been activated. ;-)

Enjoy Japan. And do visit Kyoto. A lovely place. Next stop: Narita!

Si Chong said...

yeah? i never really expected anyone to comment. but i guess i was wrong. :)

big thanks btw, for following. funny how i have 8 followers now. still surprised hehe

Kiks said...

you should not be.

somehow, secretly, we expect it. we want it.

or at least i do.