Saturday, February 19, 2011

Something totally forced and random

And just when I thought life couldn't get any better, 一万円 an ichimanen came my way!
That is roughly equivalent to 5000Pesos. I mean, where could one get that much money for a week's worth of work, huh?

And then I realized I'm in Japan. An ichimanen is more or less just around 500Pesos. What a shame.

Now off I will rant...

Studying language is a harbinger for lame writing. Whenever I feel like writing, like now, I often stumble upon uninitiated word confusion in my head. Every time I try to think of clever things to write, nothing comes up but a jumble of Japanese Kanji floating around, disassembling into a swirl of character radicals I cannot even remember how to read. I feel like a retard. Like I have dyslexia. And it isn't pleasant at all. Before I began studying Japanese, it was easy for me to think in English and write what I thought down immediately. It was natural. But with this additional burden of character recognition and a completely out of this world grammar order, add to that new vocabularies, I might as well give up on life.

Funny thing though. I can speak a good enough Japanese when necessary, like when I'm outside the University. But what I'm really surprised about is how my accent has changed when I speak English considering that I've never been to an English speaking country (no, the Philippines isn't one). I have a pretty decent American accent now which I soo love. I must've learned it from the people around me. Even if my best friends are a Russian and an English, I have unknowingly mastered the American accent. The school harbors around 50% foreign students and majority are Americans. That could be it.

And being Asian and all, mastering the Japanese accent and pronunciations aren't hard for me at all. I feel sorry for my classmates, especially those from America and Germany. They could never get the words right. My Thai classmate can handle it pretty well, and also my Zimbabwean classmates, too. And by the way, I love the diversity in class. It's just freakin' awesome.

[See? I talk in loves and hates and freakin' awesome stuff. Nothing else! and those are forced thoughts mind you. My literary batteries have rusted.]

Totally random continuation..

It is the moment I've been waiting for. The temperature just dropped a high 13 degrees C from a snowy day just three five days ago.  I still saw patches of snow on my way to school this morning even with the rain last night two nights ago. But they won't last long after this pretty warm day. But it'll drop again to a cold negative later tonight according to the forecast.

Well congratulations, I've learned my lesson.

That's all there is to it.

Oh god i can't think of anything clever to say. I am dryed up. Thank you pre-finals week you ass.